I held my first crochet hook at the age of ten. My mom taught me the very basics but at that time I knew that I absolutely was meant to crochet. It just clicked for me.
It took me about ten years to get proficient enough not to make mistakes in my work, but still with the drive to gain knowledge and try my best I was finally able to make a perfect hat. Being primarily self-taught in techniques of crochet I have made all the mistakes you can. However, learning from these mistakes has made me a better crocheter.
After Highschool I decided to make hats, finding a pattern I really liked and giving them to the local homeless shelters. Throughout this time I learned about various yarns and fibers. Finding it fascinating what breed of sheep make soft wool, or itchy wool, and the various types of fibers and their uses. Going to as many yarn shops as I can gathering as much information as I could. I find it amazing the amount of knowledge out there about fibers and how we can combine them in various ways to make clothes.
My favorite part of crochet is the fact that you start with just a piece of string and you can make whatever you want with it. It's like a kaleidoscope; the possibilities are endless. I have had the opportunity to teach a handful of students over the years and I am glad to be able to offer my knowledge to you.